
opening day

Can you believe I have my own salon? Many thanks are in order. Holly thank you for making everything beautiful. Mom thanks for making this possible. Tamara thanks for making me do this. At least I know who to blame.


simon (of the big sort) said...

Congratulations, Trisha. I think you've got the talent and the drive to make it pretty awesome.

If you ever decide to switch to your own .com (like "colormehappysalon.com", for instance), I'd be more than happy to help you out.

If you need to contact me, I'm on your Facebook.

B. Simon

tbobb said...

It seems the big girl panties were a good fit, though a little uncomfortable the first day maybe.

Anonymous said...

trisha i know you will do great. you are really a great leader. and we are all proud of for doing what you wanted to do. and having courage in doing so.
good luck,

Katlin said...

Congrats! Though I don't know you, I completely understand the struggle you're facing! I went to cosmotology school and contrary to what people think, it isn't easy! Good luck!

Trisha Davis said...

Thanks much Katlin! It is great to have the support. I do not know what I would do without my family behind me.